A few good reasons to use SPY4m
You're not alone. Up to 60% of men and 45% of women admit extramarital affairs...
Cheating by the numbers...
One of the unpleasant truths that most married people are ignorant of is the surprisingly high occurrence of extra-marital affairs.
According to a study by Joan D. Atwood & Limor Schwartz published in 2002 by the Joirnal of Therapy of Couple and Relationship, 45-55% of married women and 50-60% of married men engage in extra-marital sex at some time or another during their relationship. If that isn't alarming enough, another study puts the average non-paternity rate at above 3.3%, or in other words 33 children in every thousand aren't fathered by the man who is supposed to be the father..
Technology is making cheating easier...
The past two decades have made infidelity more accessible than ever before due in large part to the rise of two majorly disruptive technologies: Online social networks & mobile phones.
Up to 90% of extra-marital affairs may use of a mobile phone or email as a preferred means for communication.
The good news is that technology can also be used to detect & reveal the infidelity. Here's how:
How we can help you catch a cheating spouse..
If you feel your spouse may be cheating on you, but there's no concrete evidence. You're then faced with two options: to turn a blind eye, or seek out the truth. Choosing the first option, although often convenient in the short term, is extremely harmful in the long term, not just for you, but for your children and family as well. Seeking out the truth is not easy either - as we mentioned previously, technology has made infidelity much easier to conceal than in the past, however it also provides opportunities for revealing affairs & obtaining the evidence needed to prove.
We all use our cell phones, and obviously your cheating spouse is using it to necessarily use it to communicate with her lover or his mistress: texting, emails, and having intimate phone calls. SPY4m is a unique mobile application designed to help you catch all that incriminating evidence. It's particularly effective as most people aren't aware this kind of cell phone software even exists, & since they've no way of knowing their phone communications are being monitored they tend to be careless about the evidence they leave behind. SPY4m gives you access to evidence to uncover the truth safely and discreetly.
Unmask your cheating spouse in 5 steps using SPY4m...
- First, need to know if it is possible to install SPY4m on your spouse's cell phone.
- Buy the SPY4m spy phone software that best fits your needs (We recommend you purchase the X-PRO version as it gives you the widest variety of opportunities to listen and intercept incriminating communications)..
- Follow the instructions in the activation email you receive after the purchase. Get your cheating spouse's smartphone and download & activate SPY4m on it (no cables or computers required - this takes about 3 minutes).
- Connect and log into your secure personal SPY4m web account & reviewing when you want the activities on your spouse's cellphone.
- Identify the elements that prove infidelity, save them and then determine your plan of action.
Do not remain in ignorance...
Of course, we are all human beings and statistically speaking more than 50% of us cheat one day or the other. Do you know also the consequences which may result from infidelity? HIV, STD's, broken families and lost time that could've been spent with someone better for you.
"...70 percent of married women and 54 percent of married men do not know of their spouses' extra-marital activities..."
Benefits to you
- Allows you to watch in real time with your spouse, it chatting, sending emails, uses Whatsapp, Facebook and SMS messages
- ability to whether through GPS positioning, where they REALLY are vs. where they SAY they are
- Your spouse may be using a different SIM card before communicating, SIM change notification will advise you if they try of this
- Ability to analyse and identify their network of contacts
- You can search the history of messages for key words of cheating
- You can configure alerts for specific numbers so that you can listen into live calls!